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Preparing for “Busy Season”

Did you have a slow winter or maybe even close for the winter cold?  Spring is around the corner which makes now a great time to start preparing to open back up or generate new interest for the year. 

Here are some insights you might consider as you prepare for the warmer weather. 

SOCIAL MEDIA:  To generate interest, don’t forget to use Social Media.  Some people with home businesses ONLY do business using Social Media and understand what a great tool it can be.  Don’t overwhelm your customers or followers with too many posts, but regular reminders and posts are great!

PROMOTIONS:  Start thinking of promotions you can use throughout the year.  Whether it is stamp cards to earn free yogurt, or maybe even a contest where someone gets to choose their favorite flavor as “Flavor of the Week” or have a “Customer of the Month.”  Whatever you choose to do, don’t forget how important it is to be part of your community.  Get involved in sponsoring local teams or schools and get your name out there. 

TRAINING:  Use this time for training your employees better, make sure everyone is on the same page with not only operating procedures but with the excellent customer service you want to offer your customers.  Quiz your staff on product knowledge such as how to put air into the product to make it creamier or why your product is better than most.

NEW MENU ITEMS:  Start thinking of things you can easily add to your menu that will generate more interest and excitement.  Things like salads, soups, and bakery items.  Anything that will help you to diversify and attract new customers is a good thing.  Remember to clear it with your landlord.  

INVENTORY:This is a great time to take a really good inventory.  Go through everything and make sure that expiration and best buy dates are still good.  Move everything that needs to be used first to the front and don’t forget to rotate your stock as new items come in. 

MAINTENANCE: Don’t forget to have your machines looked over.  Replace any worn parts, lube well and clean thoroughly.  The better care you take of your machines, the longer they will last.

NEW FLAVORS:This is a good time to also think about changing out a few yogurt flavors on your menu.  NANCIS.COM is a great resource for flavor ideas and new flavor cards and graphics.  Watch for our newsletters for Nanci’s flavor specials.  And if there is ever a new flavor you’d like us to carry, type it in the “Notes” section at checkout on  

We love to hear your creative recipe ideas!  Here is one we liked that a client shared:  Candy Bar Flavor: 1/2 bag Chocolate Base + 1/2 bag Vanilla Base + 3 oz Salted Caramel + 3 oz Peanut Butter + 2 gallons water.  Think outside the box and try something new!  You’ll be surprised how many flavors are good in different bases; try Strawberry or Red Raspberry in chocolate and see what you think!